The Trust (formerly known as AIT) was formed in 2004 by a group of Wellington parents with autistic children who came together to provide support and guidance for themselves and other families.
We have achieved a lot since then:
- We run a successful weekly gym class which allows families to socialise and have fun in a relaxed group
- We offer a unique holiday program which has been running every school holiday for over 15 years
- We have partnered with Victoria University of Wellington to support their Autism Clinic which offers a range of supports for autistic children under 12 and their whānau including play-based supports and speech language therapy.
Our activities aim to provide positive experiences for our autistic children and valuable respite for our hard working families.
Members of the trust have firsthand experience of caring for someone who is autistic. We totally believe in the importance of nurturing our children, and working towards a long term goal of ensuring meaningful, quality of life for all children and their families.
Our parents know it can feel isolating to have an autistic child and invite other parents and family members to join us. We meet regularly and when possible organise autism-friendly social activities.
Contact us to learn more about the Autism Experiences Wellington Trust.